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“To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, To them I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!”

Revelation 2:26-28

This is the day and this is the hour when My people will be lifted up in the sight of all. They will be girded up by My Spirit and do great exploits for their King. They will be empowered with a multitude of giftings and influence. They will go forth in great ability and authority into high places. They will take ground in every sphere of life, for in this day, says the Lord, the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of God and the sons of God shall reign and rule with great authority in every area of influence. They are being equipped with everything they need and the doors are being opened for them to take their places of authority.

This is the day and this is the hour when everything shall be put under the feet of the elect and they shall reign with the Lord on the earth. This is the day when kingdom authority is being released unto those who are the Lord’s. All authority in heaven and earth belongs to the Lord, and in this day, this authority is being given to the saints, the sons of God. Rejoice, rejoice, My people, for this is the day of your justification before men. All men will look on and marvel at the authority of the sons of God. The nations shall tremble and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth.

In this day, My people will ask and I will answer, says the Lord, for I am very near to those who seek Me. I desire for you to draw near to Me, to turn to Me and develop a living, intimate relationship with Me. My hands are held out to you day and night. My mercy is great and I long for you to bring to Me everything that separates us, every concern, every tear, every fear, every sin. Come unto Me and I will give you rest. My burden is light and My yoke is easy. My love for you is great and My desire is to set you free to run the race set before you and to win the prize prepared for you.

In this day, My witness shall go throughout the earth. I am knocking on the door of the hearts of men. To whomever opens the door, and lets Me come in, I will come in and take up residence and will become a friend and a brother. You will know My presence. I will be in you and I will be right beside you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. This is the testimony of the Son, that He died for you and wants to give you abundant life, life in the Spirit, His constant presence dwelling with you. Take hold of His offer and spare yourself the wrath to come, for the wrath of God will be poured out upon the sons of disobedience, those who continue in wickedness. Repent and turn to God while there is still time. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

The banquet feast has been laid out and those who have partaken of it have been transformed into the image of the Son. They shall reign and rule with the Lord over the nations in the age to come, and it is near at hand when the clouds shall be rolled back and the Son shall descend in all His glory to gather His army unto Himself and to swiftly execute justice upon the earth. All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord and all the earth shall mourn at His coming, for He shall come to rule the nations with an iron scepter. Rejoice all you who long for His coming, for the time of His coming is at hand. Rejoice in your King, for He brings His reward with Him. To everyone who has been faithful, will be given the right to rule and reign with Him in His kingdom upon the earth. Every tribe and tongue will gather before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to worship at His footstool.

Signs and wonders are about to be released upon the earth in great proportion. Demonstrations of the power of God will flow unhindered and men from every tribe and tongue and nation will be drawn unto the Lord through these workings of the Holy Spirit, for these workings shall reveal the intents of the heart and expose sin. Everything done in secret shall be brought to the light, for the Spirit will apprehend and disarm those who have opposed the Lord, for they will be uncovered in the presence of a Holy God. To him who has, much will be given, but to him who has not, even what he has will we taken away. This is the day, and this is the hour of the coming of the Lord in His fullness and everyone will undergo the uncovering work of the Holy Spirit. Make every effort to clothe yourself in the Lord, to be wrapped in His robes of righteousness, for then you will not appear naked before Him when He comes. He will be your shield and defender, the glory and the lifter of your head if you hide yourself in Him. Run into His arms and receive His cleansing, healing blood and He will cover you. Take shelter under His wing, and He will give you rest.

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