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Open wide your understanding. See the full picture. I am raising up a standard in your midst and you shall function according to it. Whole households shall come to know the Lord through the ministry I am raising up in this day, for I am raising up a standard in the home. No longer will strife and disorder rule. I am eradicating sin of every kind, cleansing households, and bringing in a fresh revelation of the order of things. Joy, love, and peace shall be imparted into the home. I will wash over the people, pouring out My healing balm upon their lives. Every broken dream shall come into fulfillment and every disappointment shall flee, for I am healing the broken. I am the repairer of the breech and I am repairing that which has been in disrepair. Love will flow like a river to bring down walls of resentment and every dysfunction shall flee as I bring the household into order.

You will see miracle after miracle as I bring the nations into the healing flow of the river. The nations shall be swept up by the Father's love poured out upon them. I am releasing it, first into the homes of My called and chosen ones, and then out into the streets and into the homes of all who are touched by the love that flows. Broken marriages shall be healed. Every broken and twisted relationship will be put into order. Your children shall acknowledge the Lord in all they do. No longer will there be rebellion in the home. No longer will there be hostility. I am removing it. Children shall love and obey their parents and parents shall love and bless their children. This is the day when the turnover shall come. Damage inflicted upon the home by the intruder will be reversed. Rips in the tapestry will be mended.

I have a divine purpose for the home and family. It will be a haven of rest and refuge. It will be a place where My Spirit dwells. Fathers shall be restored to their children and children to their fathers. There shall be harmony and richness in the home. I will bless the home and it shall prosper and be a testimony to the world of the power of God at work in the earth. I am turning the hearts of the people toward home. No more will they wander in a desert land. I am bringing them home and the family will function in harmony in this place. Striving for recognition will end. Selfish ambition will cease. I am destroying the works of the devil over the home. I will take power out of his hands. No longer will the people be tempted by his tactics to breed sin and rebellion.

You will see how I remove the power of the tempter. No longer will the people be drawn into sin, but they shall refute it for I am taking down the kingdoms of the world and replacing them with the Kingdom of God. Movies will depict the love and joy of the Lord. The music industry will reiterate the message of hope and the fulfillment of the abundant life in Christ, for I am breaking the power of the evil one in the film and music industry and raising up those who will testify to the love of God through these avenues of entertainment. The arts shall depict the glory of God.

I will institute family business. No longer will what belongs to the sons be given to someone else. I will bring order to business. My sons and daughters will not lose the blessing that is rightfully theirs to be passed down from the father. You will see how I break down a system that has stolen the blessing from its rightful heir. My blessings shall remain in the household and not be given to an illegitimate child. Watch to see how I put this into practice. Your children shall reap the blessing that is rightfully theirs. I will take the goods out of the hands of the idolatrous and put them into the hands of those who will distribute them fairly.

Ministries that have brought division in a home will be disqualified. I will not tolerate their abuse. Religious structures that suck the life out of My households will be given their demolition orders. I have neither instituted them nor ordained them. They shall be demolished and their influence shall be abolished. I am raising up “Households of Faith” that will honor and uphold My principles. This is the new order I am implementing. It shall be governed by the Lord and not by men. The old structure will be taken down. It has set a standard that is neither godly nor is it conducive to godly behavior. It upholds an external whitewashing, but is unable to produce the fruit of righteousness. Battle in the Spirit. Raise up a banner of righteousness. Prophecy and declare the righteousness of God by faith into the earth and the people shall be set free, released from the stranglehold of religion.

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