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“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”

Psalm 31:24

“Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

Joel 2:29

Follow My lead. Do not get side-tracked. Do not get tossed aside, but press in to take the land. I am giving you the land and you shall reign and rule in righteousness. I have opened the door for you to enter into the full calling that is upon your life. You will marvel as you see Me strengthen you in the midst of the assembly to proclaim My righteousness and call down the high places. I have put My sword in your hands and you shall wield it with great agility. You will not be moved by circumstances, but your focus shall be upon the Lord your God and you shall go forth in the power and anointing of His name to slay every giant in the midst of the congregation.

I am increasing My Spirit within you. I am increasing the power of My might within you and you shall run and not grow weary. You shall go forth to storm the gates of hell and take back what is mine, setting the captives free and bringing sight to the blind, for deep darkness has been upon the people, but My light is rising upon My people in this day and it shall break through the storm clouds and dispel the darkness. There has been no other day like this. Multitudes shall be free from the tauntings and bindings of the evil one. They shall leap and dance and praise their God for His faithfulness to deliver them from the snare of the fowler.

Get ready, for I am about to thrust you out into the highways and byways. You will be amazed at the power you see flowing through you. You will see the countenance of those you speak to and minister to change before your eyes. All walls of wickedness and every pretense shall come crumbling down and those you share the Word of life with will fall to their knees in humility and repentance. I am doing it, says the Lord. I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh and every man, woman, and child shall see that the Lord is God. They shall see the Sons of God revealed in this day, for the glory of the Lord shall surround them and encompass them and the brightness of their countenance shall draw men from every walk of life to the Father.

You will see this right before your eyes. You will see how I break down barriers that have held the people at a distance from Me. I am removing every hindrance, every stumbling block, and the roadway shall be made clear and multitudes shall be turned from sin and put onto the way of holiness, the way that leads to life. No longer shall the prince of darkness hold them bound, for I am releasing them out of the hands of the enemy and ushering them into My kingdom.

Every mystery shall be unfolded in this day. Every revelation that has been withheld from the people is being released and the eyes of the blind are being opened to see the presence of the Lord in all the earth. Sickness and death shall no longer hold the people bound, for they shall be lifted up, have resurrection life breathed into them, and they shall be snatched up to the Lord. The days are few before the Son of Man shall come to the earth in His fullness. Multitudes who sleep in the dust shall be raised up and the earth shall quake and signs and wonders as have never been seen or known shall be released upon the earth. This is the day of the Lord and of His furry and vengeance upon the evil doer.

Every door is opening and prisoners are being released to go forth into everlasting life. I am doing a great work among the people. I am removing every fleshly desire in the hearts of the people and implanting the Father's heart into them. Their thoughts will line up with the will of the Father. They shall no longer stumble and fall, but they shall be led in the way that they should go. They will no longer find pleasure in worldly pursuits, for I am removing every ungodly passion and replacing it with passion for Jesus, a fire burning within that cannot be dampened, and I will increase the fire that burns within the hearts of the people to worship and honor the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This fire of passion shall burn fervently and nothing will be able to quench it, for it has been birthed within My people by the power of My might. It shall consume My people and they shall march forth proclaiming the goodness of God, taking the ground out of the enemy’s hands and claiming it for the Lord.

Do not grow weary in well doing. The Lord your God is faithful to His promises and He will reward those who do not give up hope, but who wait upon Him for guidance and help. Put no confidence in the flesh. Submit yourself in humility before the Lord and He shall lift you up. He shall establish you upon a solid foundation, upon the Rock of your salvation.

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